ARTWIN visited the largest exhibition in Europe - Automechanika Frankfurt 2024

ARTWIN team continues to follow the latest trends and innovations in the automotive industry! This year we visited the largest exhibition in Europe - Automechanika Frankfurt 2024. This landmark event brought together leading manufacturers, developers and specialists from all over the world, prese...

ARTWIN Update (version 5.2.20)

We are pleased to introduce you to the updates that have been implemented to our workshop management system. These changes are aimed at increasing the efficiency of goods handling, improving warehouse and procurement management, as well as providing more detailed analytics on key indicators. Our ...

ARTWIN Update (version 5.2.10)

Artwin Baltics are pleased to announce the latest update to Artwin's workshop software, which brings a number of significant improvements to the functionality and user experience. This update aims to simplify the work of managers and workshop staff, enabling more efficient resource management and...

ARTWIN Update (version 5.2.08)

Artwin Baltics are pleased to introduce new features and enhancements to our Workshop Management System. These updates are aimed at improving the system experience, increasing convenience, accuracy and professionalism in your daily operations.1. Sending invoices to the customers by E-MAILa. It is...

ARTWIN Update (version 5.2.0)

We are pleased to introduce several new features to our Workshop Management System. These updates are aimed at improving accounting accuracy, operational efficiency and system usability.1. Timers for automatic time trackingWe have brought back timers for those workshops that prefer to use automat...

ARTWIN Update (version 5.1.0)

Dear users,Artwin Baltics is pleased to bring you the latest update to our Workshop Management System! This update brings with it a number of exciting changes that will greatly improve your experience with our software.1. Now you can select invoices for synchronisation with Robolabs accounting so...



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