ARTWIN Update (version 5.1.0)

Dear users,

Artwin Baltics is pleased to bring you the latest update to our Workshop Management System! This update brings with it a number of exciting changes that will greatly improve your experience with our software.

1. Now you can select invoices for synchronisation with Robolabs accounting software.

a. This improvement will simplify the financial management process for owners and managers of car repair shops. Now, if required, users can select specific invoices from the workshop management software and send them for synchronisation with Robolabs accounting software. This provides greater flexibility and control over what financial transactions are sent to the accounting department.

b. Selective synchronisation of invoices with Robolabs accounting software offers users several advantages:

Flexibility and control: Users can select the specific invoices they need to synchronise with accounting. This provides greater flexibility and control over which financial transactions are transferred to accounting and avoids redundant or unnecessary information.

Time saving: Since not all invoices need to be synchronised with the accounting software, selective synchronisation allows users to save time by not overloading the accounting system with unnecessary information. They can focus on only those invoices that really need to be transferred to accounting.

Less likelihood of errors: By transmitting only selected invoices, users reduce the likelihood of data errors. This is because less information needs to be processed, reducing the risk of errors in the process of synchronising, and recording financial transactions.

2. Advanced customer data management functionality.

a. Users can now add any number of contact persons to each customer. This means you have more options to store important contact information about different customer representatives. With this update, the customer and their contact persons are now represented as separate entities. This allows you to organise information about your customer and their related contact persons in a clearer and more structured way. You can now create relationships between customers and other entities by specifying the type of relationship. This can be a parent company, a subsidiary, or a partner of your customer. This feature helps you better understand the structure of your customer portfolio and the relationships between companies.

b. This improvement provides several benefits to users of the software.

More complete customer information: Separating customers and their contact persons allows you to store more detailed and structured data about each customer company. It is now possible to store not only the contact details of the main company representative, but also information about other important contacts such as department managers or other key employees.

Better understanding of links between companies: The ability to add links between customers and other organisations helps you better understand the structure of your customer portfolio. For example, you can indicate that a certain company is a parent or subsidiary of another, or that they are partners. This helps you better navigate the connections between companies and manage customer relationships more effectively.

Greater flexibility and personalisation: The ability to add an unlimited number of contacts to each customer gives greater flexibility in storing information. Users can now include all contacts in the database that may be useful for working with a client, without being limited to one main contact.

3. Users can now benefit from an integrated database of Lithuanian legal entities.

a. The program automatically fills in the remaining fields when the company name or code is entered. This greatly simplifies the data entry process, reducing time and minimising the possibility of errors. Now users can be sure that information about clients and partners is entered accurately and completely. The integration of the Lithuanian legal entities database emphasises our commitment to providing the most comprehensive and user-friendly tool for managing a car service. We are confident that this update will significantly improve the software experience for our users

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b. Integration of the Lithuanian legal entities database into the car service management program provides a number of conveniences for users:

Time saving: Now users do not need to manually enter all data on legal entities related to the car service centre. The program automatically fills in the remaining fields based on the entered company name or code. This significantly reduces the time spent on entering information and reduces the risk of errors.

Data accuracy: Using an integrated database helps ensure more accurate data on legal entities. Since the information is taken from a verified source, the chances of input errors are minimised. This helps in maintaining up-to-date and accurate information about the customers and partners of the car service centre.

Ease of use: Users do not need to search and enter data about legal entities manually. By simply entering the company name or code, they can quickly fill in all the required fields, making the data entry process more intuitive and convenient.

Improved productivity: By reducing data entry time and reducing the likelihood of errors, users can focus on more important tasks, improving overall productivity and efficiency.

4. We now have a new filter in our software that allows you to conveniently filter purchases by date of creation.

a. This new tool is designed to make the procurement management process easier by giving users the ability to customise search parameters more accurately.

b. Here are a few of the benefits of the new filter:

Accurate filtering: Users can select purchases created within a specific time period, providing more accurate and relevant search results.

Quick access to the right information: Filtering by creation date allows you to quickly find purchases made at a specific time, minimizing search time, and improving efficiency.

Increased flexibility: Filtering by creation date gives users more flexibility when managing procurement data, allowing them to fine-tune search parameters to suit their needs.

5. Exporting and importing the labours list.

a. Users can now export and import a list of labour using a specially provided file format that works exclusively within our software.

b. Benefits of the new feature:

Easy data transfer: Users can easily export a list of labour from the program into the provided file format. They can then import this file back into the program without having to manually enter data. This makes data transfer between different sections of the program quick and convenient.

Minimize errors: Because the file format is provided by the program, data is exchanged without loss of information or formatting. This helps to minimize the risk of errors during data import and export, ensuring accuracy and reliability of information.

Save time and increase productivity: The export and import function of the work list allows users to quickly move between different parts of the program and process information quickly. This helps to save time and increase overall work productivity.

Ease of use: With a simple export and import process in the provided format, users can easily work with the data within the program without the need to use third-party tools or applications.

6. Additional fields for the "Subcontract" category.

a. The Subcontract category is now enriched with additional fields, giving users more options to record and manage data about subcontractors and the work performed by them.

b. Key innovations:

Fields for additional subcontractor information: There are new fields for entering information about the supplier of the work, including the supplier’s name, invoice number, and the cost of purchasing and selling the work. This data allows for a more complete representation of subcontractors and their services.

Fields to display a different labour title on documents: Users can now enter an alternative labour title to be displayed on generated documents such as invoices and estimates. This allows greater flexibility in managing the presentation of work on documentation, adapting it to specific requirements or client preferences.

7. Personalized structure of the PDF invoice file.

a. Users now have the ability to choose the structure of the PDF invoice file according to their preferences and needs.

b. The main features of the new functionality are:

Personalized formatting options: Users can choose the order in which information is placed on the invoice according to their preferences. For example, they can choose to have the invoice number listed first, followed by the customer's name and then the date of the statement. This allows them to create personalized and professional looking invoices.

Customization flexibility: The new functionality provides flexibility in customizing the structure of the PDF invoice file depending on a company's specific needs and requirements. Users can select different formatting options and view changes in real-time to choose the most appropriate option.

Professional appearance: The personalized structure of the PDF invoice file allows you to create documents with a more professional and individual appearance. This helps to improve the visual image of the company and create a favorable impression with customers.

Increased efficiency: Choosing the optimal invoice structure helps to speed up document processing and improve internal accounting processes. This reduces the time spent on preparing and sending invoices and improves overall efficiency.

8. Personalization of the labour title in the generated files.

a. Users can now easily change the labour title that appears on generated files such as invoices, estimates and other documents.

b. The main benefits of the new functionality are:

Customization for customers: Users can flexibly customise the labour title displayed in the generated files for each client. This allows the creation of personalized documents that meet the client's specific requirements and preferences.

Retention of original information in the program: Despite changes to the labour name in the customer documents, the original labour information remains retained in the program. This ensures the accuracy and consistency of data within the workshop management system.

Flexibility and usability: The process of changing the labour title for a particular client in the generated files is simple and intuitive. Users can easily customise labour titles according to specific requirements or client wishes without unnecessary complications.

9. Simplify and improve profile functionality.

a. We have reformed, making the profile simpler and more intuitive for users. Key changes include eliminating the use of timers in operations and introducing the ability to manually specify the time taken to complete a labour.

b. The main benefits of the new employee profile:

Easier navigation: A simplified profile interface makes the employee's work more intuitive and efficient. Eliminating timers eliminates the hassle of setting and managing them.

Flexibility in time recording: Employees can now enter the time spent on each labour manually. This provides more accurate and flexible time recording, taking into account the specifics of each task.

Convenience and faster process: The new functionality greatly simplifies the employee time tracking process, allowing the employee to focus on tasks rather than on the technical details of timer management.

Better customisation: The new employee profile is more flexible and adaptable to the needs of each user. Employees can record work time easily and conveniently, taking into account the individual characteristics and requirements of each task.

10. Simplified labour scheduling system for employees.

a. Now, employees will no longer be faced with separating labours by planning type in their profiles. Instead, each employee will see a single list of all planning types, making it much easier for them to work with specific operations.

b. This functionality brings several significant benefits:

Simplified workflow: Not separating labour by planning type makes the workflow easier and more intuitive for employees. They can focus on the task at hand without wasting time searching for the right activities in different sections.

Avoiding confusion: The absence of different types of planning simplifies the labour of employees and reduces the risk of errors or misunderstandings when selecting an operation. Each employee sees the complete list of activities and can focus on their tasks without unnecessary confusion.

Improved usability: With a single activity list, users can more comfortably and quickly find the operations they need, making it easier and more efficient to use the program.

11. New flexible clocking system.

a. Employees now have more freedom and flexibility in managing their working time by eliminating automatic timers and introducing the ability to change work status and mark time spent at will.

b. The main changes and benefits of the new functionality:

Flexible time management policy: Each workshop can now choose its own internal time management policy to meet its own requirements and needs. The elimination of automatic timers and the ability to change work status gives more control over the timekeeping process.

Freedom and convenience for employees: Employees can now work more freely without the constraints of automatic timers. They can change work status and mark time as they see fit, contributing to a more comfortable and convenient work environment.

Transparency and visibility of time spent: Time spent on work will be displayed in all locations, providing transparency and visibility of employee work activity. This helps to improve time and resource management in the workshop.

Support for individual needs: The new functionality allows the time tracking system to be adapted to the individual needs of each employee and the specifics of working in a particular workshop.

12. Common database for branches of the workshop.

a. We now have the ability to duplicate the customer and vehicle database between organisations, creating a single shared database for all branches of the car service. This means that each branch will have access to a common database, simplifying information management and providing a single view of customers and vehicles for the entire network.

b. Implementing this functionality brings a number of benefits:

Single database: A common database for all branches allows customer and vehicle information to be stored in one place. This simplifies access to the data and ensures its unified and centralised management.

Improved customer service: With access to a shared database, staff at all branches can get complete information about customers and their vehicles, enabling a better and more personalised service.

Efficient data management: A common database reduces the risk of duplication of information and errors in updating. It also facilitates data synchronisation between different branches, which improves data accuracy and reliability.

Improved resource management: A centralised database allows for a more efficient allocation of resources between branches as it provides a common view of the customer base and demand for services.

For workshops with one or more organisations, you can contact to set up this functionality.

13. Board module improvements.

a. We are pleased to announce a significant improvement in the functionality of the board module in our car service management system. These changes are designed to make working with the board more efficient and convenient for our users.

b. Key improvements:

Improved speed and performance: We have optimised the board module to provide a fast loading and responsive interface. This will allow users to conduct board operations more efficiently and without lag.

The colouring of planned operations has been changed: We have updated the visual colouring of planned operations on the whiteboard to help users better see and distinguish them within the overall context. This improvement provides a better visual experience and orientation on the board.

Vehicle Return Term Tracking: Users can now more effectively track and monitor vehicle return terms after labours have been completed. This will help meet deadlines and ensure timely customer service.

14. Adding operations in the board module.

a. The updated board module is now even more user-friendly and functional, thanks to the ability to add operations directly from this module.

b. Here are the main changes and benefits:

Direct addition of operations: Users can easily add new operations directly from the board module, without having to switch between different sections of the system. This greatly speeds up the scheduling process and makes it easier to create new tasks.

Adding operations without cases or labours: Users can now add operations independently of specific projects, cases or labours. This is especially useful for operational planning and managing tasks that are not tied to specific projects or tasks.

Increased flexibility: The updated whiteboard module provides greater flexibility in managing transactions and tasks. Users can easily drag and drop and rearrange operations, edit their parameters and assign different statuses directly from the board interface.

15. Scheduler improvements.

a. Improved and redesigned the scheduler module.

b. The updated and improved functionality of the scheduler represents a significant step forward in optimising time and task management processes in the car service. These changes are designed to significantly improve the user experience and increase the efficiency of the service.

Improved speed: The updated scheduler operates at high speed, allowing users to quickly view, edit and create tasks without slowdowns or delays. This greatly increases the productivity and usability of the system.

Improved performance: The new version of the scheduler promotes more efficient distribution of tasks and resources, which helps improve the overall performance of the car service. Optimised scheduling and resource management algorithms make the process more flexible and adaptive to changing conditions.

User-friendly interface: The appearance of the scheduler has become more intuitive and user-friendly. The updated design makes it easy to navigate through tasks and operations, making the scheduling process more enjoyable and efficient.

Changed colours of operation statuses: The updated transaction status colours make the information more visible and clear. This allows users to more quickly and accurately determine the current status of tasks and operations, which in turn contributes to more efficient workflow management.

16. Increasing the speed and performance of the program.

a. From this point on, you will notice that the software is faster and more responsive.

b. Key changes and benefits:

Improved speed: We have optimised the program code and made a number of technical improvements, resulting in increased speed of operations. Now you can perform tasks faster and more efficiently.

Improved performance: New algorithms and optimisations allow the program to process large amounts of data more efficiently. This results in improved overall performance and reduced latency for operations.

Smoother user experience: The increased speed and performance of the program provides a smoother and more comfortable interaction with the interface. You will now be able to perform operations faster and without delays.

Time efficiency: By increasing the speed of the software, you will be able to focus on your tasks, minimising the time spent waiting for a response from the software.

17. Improved integration with Audatex.

a. Improved integration with Audatex and increased ability to import estimates opens up new perspectives on efficiency, accuracy and convenience for automotive repair shops.

b. Here are its main pros:

Increased operational efficiency: Integration with Audatex allows car repair shops to easily import estimates and data, which significantly reduces the time it takes to create and process estimates, speeding up the entire vehicle repair and maintenance process.

Expanded Data Set: Adding new labours to import Audatex estimates allows access to a larger set of information, which is useful when creating estimates and scheduling labours. It can also help improve the accuracy of estimates and predictions for repair time and cost.

Customer convenience: Improved integration with Audatex makes it easier for customers to get detailed information on needed repairs and their costs, enhancing their service experience.

18. Added new fields and conditions to data analytics.

a. The addition of the 'Hours Sold by Invoice Date' functionality and the ability to view the sales amount excluding VAT represents a significant improvement to the financial and time management system in the motorway service station.

b. Here are the main benefits and features of this new functionality:

Accurate tracking of time and sales: The accounting system now automatically accounts for employee hours sold based on the invoice date and also allows you to see the amount of sales excluding VAT. This provides a more accurate and objective display of both the time spent on work and the car service's financial performance.

Easy to analyse and control: Users can easily view and analyse the hours sold and the amount of sales excluding VAT through the user-friendly interface of the management system. This allows for quick monitoring of time spent and staff efficiency, as well as analysing financial performance without tax components.

Accurate financial reporting and accounting: Accounting for hours sold by invoice date and the ability to view the amount of sales excluding VAT ensures accurate financial reporting and accounting in the car workshop. This allows you to more accurately determine hours costs, analyse resource efficiency and produce tax-free financial reports.

Improved transparency and analysis: The addition of this functionality improves transparency and control over financial transactions and time costs in the workshop. Management can easily track and analyse both employee hours sold and non-tax financial performance, allowing for more informed decisions to optimise the business.

19. Ability to edit final invoice amounts

a. The new ability to change the final invoice amounts. This new functionality greatly simplifies and enhances the workshop system financial management process, providing more flexible, accurate and reliable management of final invoice amounts.

b. Here are the main benefits and features of this new functionality:

Getting rid of cent errors: Users can now freely manage final invoice amounts without having to worry about possible cent errors. This ensures more accurate and reliable management of financial data and minimises the risks of billing errors.

Flexibility and control: Users have full control over the final invoice amounts and can easily and quickly make adjustments when necessary. This allows invoices to be customised to meet specific requirements and transaction conditions, while maintaining a high level of data accuracy and reliability.

Ease of use: The new functionality makes the process of managing invoice totals more convenient and efficient. Users can easily make changes through an intuitive interface without the need to refer to additional tools or procedures.

Improved customer service: With the ability to adjust invoices quickly and accurately, the auto body shop can provide a higher level of customer service by providing customers with clear and accurate financial documents that meet their expectations and requirements.

These updates represent a significant step forward in improving the auto service centre management system. The new functionality not only improves the accuracy of accounting and data analysis, but also makes working with the system more convenient and efficient.

Improved integration with Audatex, an updated scheduler, the ability to add transactions from the board module, and new features for invoice management and accounting for hours sold provide a high level of flexibility and control.

As a result, car workshops will be able to optimise their business processes, improve customer service and increase overall productivity. We continue to work on improving our system to provide you with the most modern and efficient tools for your business.

We wish you a successful and productive week.

If you have any questions about the update, or would like to know more about our program, please contact by email



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