ARTWIN Update (version 5.2.20)

We are pleased to introduce you to the updates that have been implemented to our workshop management system. These changes are aimed at increasing the efficiency of goods handling, improving warehouse and procurement management, as well as providing more detailed analytics on key indicators. Our new statistics modules and functional enhancements will help you better control processes and optimise your workshop operations.


1. We have added a new Overview module to the Stock Data Analytics, which provides summarised data on key indicators: total sales, purchases and returns.

Benefits of the Overview module:

a. Full view: The Overview module provides a holistic view of financial transactions for merchandise, allowing you to quickly assess total sales, purchases and returns. This helps you quickly identify trends and evaluate overall merchandise performance.

b. Simplified analysis: Aggregated data helps you easily track changes in financial performance, simplifying the analysis and decision-making process. You can react quickly to fluctuations in sales and purchases, and effectively manage returns.

2. We have added a new Purchase module to Stock Data Analytics, which provides detailed information on all aspects of purchasing. This module includes the following key features:

Benefits of the Purchases module:

a. Total Purchases: The module shows total purchases, making it easy to track total replenishment costs and analyse financial flows.

b. Most expensive purchases: You can quickly identify the most expensive purchases, which helps in evaluating large financial investments and managing costs.

с. Purchases by status: Displaying purchases by different statuses (e.g. payed, not payed, cancelled) allows you to better manage the process and monitor order fulfilment.

d. Purchases by supplier: Analysing purchases by supplier helps you track which companies are providing you with commodities and assess their efficiency and reliability.

e. Purchasing by unit of measure: The module also provides information on purchasing by unit of measure to help you analyse volumes and types of commodities purchased.

f. Purchases by purchases status: You can track the status of different procurements, making it easier to manage the process and improve coordination with suppliers.

g. Average delivery time: The module calculates the average delivery time of commodities from suppliers, which helps you evaluate delivery performance and improve planning for future purchases.

3. We have implemented a new Sales module to Stock Data Analytics, which provides detailed sales analysis. This module includes the following key features:

Benefits of the Sales module:

a. Total Sales: View total sales totals, allowing you to track financial results and overall productivity.

b. Sales by unit: Analyses sales amounts by unit to better understand sales data.

c. Sales by Category: Displays sales data by commodity category, helping you gauge the popularity of different product groups.

d. Discounts: Shows who was given the biggest discounts, the average value of discounts and helps you evaluate the effectiveness of discount offers.

e. Most Expensive Sales: Identifies the largest sales, allowing you to analyse significant financial transactions.

f. Sales from Suppliers: Shows the largest sales from various vendors, helping to assess their contribution to total sales.

g. Top Managers: Identifies which manager has sold the most items, allowing you to evaluate their performance.

e. Popular Commodities: Identifies which parts have sold the most, which helps with inventory management and purchasing planning.


4. We have added a stock inventorisation function to our software. Now car workshops can easily and accurately track the availability of spare parts and materials. This feature greatly simplifies the inventorisation management process, helping to maintain up-to-date stock availability and preventing disruptions due to shortages or overages of spare parts.

Benefits of the warehouse inventorisation function:

a. Accuracy and control: The inventorisation function provides regular updates on stock availability, reducing the risk of accounting errors. This helps the workshop to avoid unexpected situations of parts shortages.

b. Increased efficiency: An automated inventorisation process reduces the time spent checking stock balances, allowing employees to focus on customer service and other important tasks.

5. We have implemented a feature to block commodities when you have an active inventorisation. Now, when you take inventorisation, commodities will be temporarily blocked for other operations to avoid data changes and errors.

The benefits of the inventorisation lockout feature:

a. Preventing errors: Locking commodities during inventorisation prevents simultaneous accounting changes, which helps avoid discrepancies and errors. This ensures data accuracy and reliability of inventorisation results.

b. Simplify the process: This feature simplifies the inventorisation process, allowing you to focus on checking and updating stock without having to worry about possible changes in item data. This speeds up the process and makes it more efficient.

6. We have added a new feature to our programme - the ability to move commodities between shelves in the stock. Now stock management is even more convenient and efficient. This tool allows you to optimise the placement of commodities, which contributes to a faster and more accurate search for the right spare parts. As a result, the car workshop can reduce time for customer service and increase overall productivity.

Benefits of the new function of moving commodities between shelves in the stock:

a. Space optimisation: The ability to move commodities flexibly allows you to better organise your storage space, which reduces the likelihood of storage errors and confusion. This is particularly useful for workshops with a large range of spare parts.

b. Faster processes: By quickly and easily reconfiguring storage areas, workshop staff can find the parts they need faster, reducing order fulfilment times and increasing efficiency across the business.

7. We have implemented the function of internal stock write-offs in our software. Now car workshops can easily and transparently manage the write-off process, making it easier to record the use of materials and spare parts for internal needs. This feature provides full control over stock and helps to estimate costs more accurately.

Benefits of the internal stock write-offs function:

a. Accounting transparency: The function allows you to accurately track and record the use of spare parts and materials for internal workshop needs. This contributes to a better understanding of resource consumption and prevents unauthorised use.

b. Cost optimisation: Thanks to the automated write-off process, the car workshop can more accurately estimate the real costs of maintenance and repairs, which helps to improve financial planning and increase business profitability.

8. We have revamped the purchasing window in our software, making the product search process much easier and faster. This update will allow workshops to easily find the parts and materials they need, saving time and simplifying the purchasing process.

Benefits of an updated commodities purchase window:

a. Faster search: The new search system significantly reduces the time it takes to find the items you need. This helps speed up the purchasing process by ensuring that all the materials you need are available as soon as possible.

b. Ease of use: The updated interface is more intuitive, which reduces the likelihood of errors when selecting commodities and simplifies the work of employees. This contributes to a more efficient organisation of the purchase process and reduces staff workload.

9. We have added a new feature that allows you to view the location of an item in the stock. Now, just by clicking on the quantity of an item in the list, you can see which shelves or zones it is stored on.

Benefits of the commodity location view feature:

a. Easier searching: Being able to quickly see exactly where an item is located in the stock makes it much easier to find it and speeds up the order picking process. This helps reduce time spent on inventory management and improves overall stock efficiency.

b. Improved accounting accuracy: Commodity location information helps to better track the movement and organisation of commodities, which reduces the likelihood of errors and losses. This promotes more accurate accounting and improves inventory management.

10. We have implemented a feature that allows you to view the full history of an commodity with quantities. Now you can easily track all changes in stock quantities, including receipts, write-offs and moves.

Benefits of the commodity history view feature:

a. Detailed accounting: The ability to see a complete history of changes in the quantity of commodities helps to better understand their movement and status in the stock. This facilitates inventory control and helps identify any discrepancies or accounting errors.

b. Analysis and planning: Viewing historical product data allows for more detailed analysis of usage and demand. This facilitates better procurement planning and optimises stock levels, which in turn improves resource management.


11. We have added a new timers table module to our software that allows you to track and analyse employees' working time. Now car workshops can effectively manage the time spent on various tasks, which helps to better control productivity and improve work planning.

Advantages of the new timer module:

a. Time tracking: The module allows you to automatically record the time employees spend on specific tasks or orders. This contributes to a more accurate assessment of labour costs and improves team discipline.

b. Analysis and optimisation: With the data collected by the timers, the workshop can analyse the efficiency of employees, identify bottlenecks and optimise the distribution of tasks. This leads to a more efficient use of resources and improved customer service.


12. We have implemented the ability to configure mandatory fields in the client card. Now you can flexibly configure which data must be filled in, based on the specifics of your car workshop. These settings are available in the main programme settings, which allows you to adapt the system to your business processes.

Advantages of customising mandatory fields in the client card:

a. Flexibility and customisation: The ability to define mandatory fields independently allows the customer card to be adapted to the specific needs of the workshop. This makes the data filling process more accurate and tailored to your requirements.

b. Improved data quality: Configurable mandatory fields help ensure that all relevant customer information is collected and stored, reducing the likelihood of errors and simplifying the handling of customer data.

13. We have implemented the possibility to configure mandatory fields in the window of purchasing commodities. Now you can configure which fields should be filled in when adding new commodities directly in the main settings of the programme. This feature allows you to make the purchasing process more structured and relevant to the specifics of your car workshop.

Advantages of customising mandatory fields in the commodities purchase window:

a. Customisation: The ability to configure mandatory fields allows you to tailor the purchase form to your specific requirements and business processes, making it easier to record and manage inventory.

b. Improved data quality: Setting up mandatory fields ensures that all necessary information is collected at the purchasing stage, helping to avoid misunderstandings and errors in the goods record and simplifying subsequent work with the data.


14. We are pleased to announce a new integration with one of the largest accounting software - Rivile. Now your workshop management software can synchronise with Rivile, which allows you to automate data exchange and significantly simplify accounting.

Benefits of integrating with Rivile:

a. Automatic synchronisation: The integration allows invoices, purchases and customer data to be automatically synchronised between our software and Rivile. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.

b. Simplify accounting: Data synchronisation simplifies the accounting and reporting process, enabling faster and more accurate financial records. This contributes to more efficient financial management and reduces the time spent on accounting transactions.


15. We have updated the employee profile logic in our software to improve access management and security. Now managers and administrators cannot perform actions on behalf of a mechanic. Instead, all necessary tasks can be carried out directly from the scheduler.

Benefits of updated employee profile logic:

Improved security: Restricting the ability to perform actions on behalf of the mechanic helps prevent unauthorised changes and provides greater protection for data and processes.

Efficient management: Managers and administrators can perform all necessary operations and manage tasks from the scheduler, which simplifies their work and increases control over workflows without interfering with mechanics' duties.

16. We have added a new feature to an employee's profile - display of planned time. Now every employee can see how much time he/she has been scheduled to perform tasks. You can turn on this function in general settings.

Benefits of the planned time display function:

a. Transparency and control: Employees can now easily track how much time they have been allocated to various tasks. This helps to better plan their work and understand the scope of their responsibilities.

b. Increased efficiency: The ability to see scheduled time contributes to better task management and improves workflow organisation. Employees can better allocate their time and avoid overload.


17. We have implemented the autocomplete function in the supplier card filling. The data entry process is now much more convenient and faster, as the system suggests suitable options based on the entered data.

Benefits of the autocomplete function in the supplier card:

a. Time saving: Autocomplete simplifies information entry by suggesting possible options based on partially entered data. This significantly speeds up the process of filling in the supplier card and reduces the likelihood of entry errors.

b. Error Reduction: The feature helps avoid typos and incorrect data entry by suggesting correct options. This promotes more accurate and consistent completion of supplier information, making it easier to work with the data afterwards.


18. We have added a new feature that allows a manager to add worked time for a mechanic directly from the scheduler. Now time management is even more convenient and efficient.

Benefits of the new feature:

a. Convenience and speed: Managers can quickly and easily enter mechanic time worked without leaving the scheduler. This simplifies the timekeeping process and enables faster response to schedule changes.

b. Centralised management: All information on mechanics' working hours is now available in one place, making it easier to monitor and manage labour costs. This facilitates more accurate accounting and improves resource planning.

19. We have added a new Fullscreen feature to the scheduler that allows you to work with it in full screen mode. When you activate this feature, the entire interface will be hidden, leaving only the scheduler, providing a cleaner and more convenient workflow.

Benefits of the Fullscreen function:

a. Task focus: In full screen mode, you can focus solely on the scheduler, without distractions. This helps you manage tasks better and plan your working time efficiently.

b. Increased visibility: Hiding all unnecessary interface elements provides a wider and clearer view of the scheduler, making it easier to work with large amounts of data and making scheduling more convenient and visible.


20. We have moved all Robolabs integration settings to the main settings section. Now you can easily manage your integration settings in one place, making the setup process more convenient and centralised.

The benefits of moving integration settings to the main settings:

a. Centralised management: All Robolabs integration parameters are now available in the main settings, making them easier to access and streamlining the management process. This allows you to find and configure the settings you need faster.

b. Simplify the setup process: Moving settings into one section reduces the need to switch between different parts of the software, simplifying integration setup and allowing you to focus on more important tasks.


21. We have updated the logic of working with bundles and removed limits. Now bundles can be added to a case after it has been created, and you can add an unlimited number of labours at one time.

Benefits of the new bundles logic:

a. Flexibility in management: The ability to add bundles after a case has been created provides more flexibility in task management. You can easily adjust and add to the list of required tasks as needed, which improves the planning and execution process.

b. No limits: Removing limits on the number of activities you can add allows you to more accurately reflect the scope of tasks and operations required to complete. This simplifies the process of planning and organising work, improving overall efficiency and ease of case management.

We continue to actively work on the development and improvement of our software to provide you with the most convenient and efficient tools for managing your workshop. We are confident that these updates will help you increase productivity, simplify workflows and make your business even more successful. Thank you for your trust and we will continue to delight you with new features!

If you have any questions about the update, or would like to know more about our programme, please contact by email



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