ARTWIN Update (version 5.0.3)

Dear Customers,

The software has been updated to version 5.0.3. The new functionality is available in the list below.

1. The new Board module offers a more flexible approach to task management. Tasks are posted on the board and employees choose what to do depending on the situation and their availability. This planning approach is ideal for workshops where tasks may change or arise suddenly, such as mechanical or electrical workshops where an unplanned problem may need to be solved. The board makes it possible to adapt quickly and easily to changing conditions, giving the employee more control over their tasks and enabling them to react quickly to unexpected conditions.  To start scheduling work through the board, you first need to create a workshop for the module and assign employees to it. Secondly, when you click on plan labours in the case, select the board instead of the timeline and the software will redirect to the selected module. The scheduling technique remains the same, you just need to move the work to the desired location and it will appear in the employee profile.


2. New employee profile. Since the new Board module has been introduced and jobs can be scheduled via this module, the employee has the possibility to choose the method of scheduling (timeline (old planner) or board) when logging in to the profile. To start a labour, the employee only needs to move the labour from "pending" to "in process".

3. New Widget module. Your customers can now book a specific time for planning in a specific workshop via your website. Customers will be able to enter their name, phone number, vehicle registration number, select the work you offer and the workshop with a specific time. The widget module is configurable on a personal basis depending on your needs. To see how it will look like, you can click the preview button.

4. Quickly creating a planned operation with work in planning. New option to select a job from the work bundles without creating a case when creating an entry in the planner.

5. It became possible to enlarge any creation window in the software, this will allow you to see more information in the fields.

6. Auto-completion of vehicle manufacturer and model has appeared.

7. Added support for Georgian language.

8. The old planner module has been renamed timeline.

If you have any questions about the software update or would like to know more, please contact us at or by phone +370 606 45 808.



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