ARTWIN Update (version 5.2.08)

Artwin Baltics are pleased to introduce new features and enhancements to our Workshop Management System. These updates are aimed at improving the system experience, increasing convenience, accuracy and professionalism in your daily operations.

1. Sending invoices to the customers by E-MAIL

a. It is now possible to send documents directly to customers via email in our workshop management system. This new functionality simplifies the exchange of documents and improves communication with customers.

b. Benefits:

Convenience and responsiveness: Sending documents from the programme allows you to instantly deliver invoices, estimates and other important documents to your customers.This speeds up the communication process, saves time and ensures prompt customer service.

Improving operational efficiency: The integrated document sending mechanism eliminates the need to use third-party email services. Car service employees can send documents directly from the programme, which simplifies workflows and increases productivity.

Improving customer service: Customers receive documents directly to their mailbox, increasing convenience and satisfaction. Quick and convenient receipt of documents improves customer experience and builds trust in your workshop.

2. Configuring SMTP for sending documents

a. There is a new functionality in our car service management system - SMTP setup, which allows you to add specific email addresses to send documents directly from the programme.

b. Benefits:

Convenience and flexibility of customisation: The SMTP configuration option allows you to use your own mail servers to send documents. You can add specific email addresses and customise the sending as your auto service requires, giving you flexibility and control over your email messages.

Increased safety and reliability: Using your own mail server via SMTP configuration provides an additional level of security when transmitting documents. This reduces the risk of documents being spammed and ensures that important messages are delivered to customers safely and securely.

Centralised mailing list management: The system allows centralised management of all mailings, sending invoices, estimates and other documents directly from the software. It simplifies the communication process, improves control over sending documents and increases the overall efficiency of the car repair shop.

3. New timer status "Paused" and it's reasons

a. There is a new functionality in our car service management system - timer status "On Pause". Now employees can pause the timer and continue it when needed. The time spent on pause will also be counted and displayed in the system. In the next update we will add the ability to select the reason for pausing.

b. Benefits:

Flexibility in time management: Employees can pause and resume the timer as needed, allowing them to manage their time more effectively. This provides flexibility in tasks, allowing employees to adapt to changing working conditions and priorities.

Accurate timekeeping: Time spent on pause will be counted and displayed in the system, ensuring that all time spent is accurately accounted for. It helps the car service station to accurately track employee time, analyse productivity and plan resources more efficiently.

Improved reporting and analytics: The new timer status improves the accuracy of time spent reporting on tasks, including pause periods. This enables more detailed analysis of workflows and identifies opportunities for optimisation.

Improving employee productivity: The ability to pause the timer helps employees to better organise their time, taking breaks as needed and returning to work with renewed energy. This helps to increase productivity and reduce stress levels, which has a positive impact on overall performance.

These updates are designed to make your work more flexible, accurate and professional. Enjoy convenient time management and secure document sharing. We continue to improve our system to provide you with the most up-to-date and efficient tools for your business.

We wish you a successful and productive week.  

If you have any questions about the update, or would like to know more about our program, please contact by email



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